The Radiofrequency and Microwave Group has a
wide activity in developing research projects. Below, some of the
finished projects are listed.
Title: |
Microwave polarization modulators based on graphene |
Principal Investigator: |
Beatriz Aja Abelán |
Researchers: |
Eduardo Artal, Luisa de la Fuente, Juan Pablo Pascual |
Description: |
Design and tests of electromagnetic waves polarization modulators, based on graphene grids over dielectric substrates, for frequencies in the range from 10 to 100 GHz. |
Funding: |
Agencia Estatal de investigación. Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. Referencia: AYA2017-92153-EXP
Starting date: |
1-11-2018 |
Deadline date: |
31-10-2020 |
Title: |
Technical assistance in electromagnetic design of RD Projects 705 PowerGuide and 735 RF Modules |
Principal Investigator: |
Angel Mediavilla |
Researchers: |
Antonio Tazón |
Description: |
This Project is centered on the electromagnetic design and prototypes manufacturing for waveguide structures able to transmit high power rates, in continuous wave and pulsed regimes. In addition to design, a technical support is provided for temperature and vibration experimental qualifications of all subsystems. |
Funding: |
AWGE Technologies SL
Starting date: |
2-7-2018 |
Deadline date: |
30-6-2021 |
Starting date: |
18-6-2018 |
Deadline date: |
17-1-2019 |
Title: |
Millimeter wave KID detectors and amplifiers for CMB observations |
Principal Investigator: |
Luisa de la Fuente, Beatriz Aja Abelán |
Researchers: |
Eduardo Artal |
Description: |
Design and development of multipixel receivers at 90 and 60 GHz, based on Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KIDs), in order to measure the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) polarization. Very low noise cryogenic amplifiers development for the readout of KIDs and for bands W and D, from 75 to 170 GHz, for radio astronomy instruments in future space missions. |
Funding: |
Agencia Estatal de Investigación. Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad. (ESP2017-83921-C2-2-R) y FEDER - Unión Europea
Starting date: |
1-1-2018 |
Deadline date: |
31-12-2019 |
Title: |
Transceptores ágiles y energéticamente eficientes para la nueva radio 5G |
Principal Investigator: |
José Angel García García |
Researchers: |
Angel Mediavilla Sánchez, Antonio Tazón Puente, Francisco Javier Ortega González (UPM), Tomás Fernández Ibáñez, José María Zamanillo Sainz de la Maza, Alicia Casanueva López, Juan Pablo Pascual Gutierrez |
Description: |
Design of RF power transmitting structures, highly efficient, flexible and intelligent, capable of manipulating 5G signals of high bandwidth and with power ratios of peak to high average power. Design of analog predistorters, active antennas for power amplification, DC / DC converters for the manipulation of fast envelopes and implementation of antenna array in transmission with high efficiency and spatial selectivity in linearization for future mMIMO systems. |
Funding: |
Agencia Estatal de Investigación. Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad. (TEC2017-83343-C4-1-R) y FEDER - Unión Europea
Starting date: |
1-1-2018 |
Deadline date: |
31-12-2020 |
Title: |
Contrat D'Encadrement Scientifique et Pedagogique d'Une These de Doctorat Cifre |
Principal Investigator: |
Ángel Mediavilla Sánchez |
Description: |
The goal is the development of an
integrated digital receiver feed to be used in X-band
satellite communications. |
Funding: |
Starting date: |
2017 |
Deadline date: |
2020 |
Title: |
Sistema AMIGOS: Revisión del diseño, fabricación de un prototipo y soporte técnico para la fabricación de cinco unidades |
Principal Investigator: |
Ángel Mediavilla Sánchez |
Researchers: |
Antonio Tazón Puente |
Description: |
The development and manufacturing of
a prototype of a millimeter-wave microwave interrogator is
the main goal of this project. The manufacturing of 5 units
of this device will be supervised. |
Funding: |
Indra Sistemas S.A.
Starting date: |
2017 |
Deadline date: |
2020 |
Title: |
Circuits for the Grid of the Emittance Meter Unit |
Principal Investigator: |
Eduardo Artal Latorre |
Researchers: |
Luisa de la Fuente, Beatriz Aja |
Description: |
Printed circuit boards manufacturing and assembly in a grid structure composed of tungsten wires, for the Grid of the Emittance Meter Unit in the European Spallation Source. Experimental characterization and checking. |
Funding: |
Starting date: |
18-6-2018 |
Deadline date: |
17-1-2019 |
Title: |
Caracterización de Circuitos
Microstrip Activos y Pasivos en la Banda Ku |
Principal Investigator: |
Beatriz Aja Abelán |
Researchers: |
Luisa de la Fuente, Eduardo Artal |
Description: |
Experimental characterization of
active MMIC circuits and microstrip passives circuits, such
as filters, power splitters, matching networks and gain
equalizers. Analysis and design of matching networks at
Ku-band. |
Funding: |
Starting date: |
2017 |
Deadline date: |
2018 |
Title: |
X Band Cryogenic Feed Prototyping |
Principal Investigator: |
Antonio Tazón Puente |
Researchers: |
Ángel Mediavilla, Eduardo Artal, Luisa Mª de la Fuente, Juan Luis Cano, Enrique Villa, Beatriz Aja, David Vegas |
Description: |
Prototype of a feed antenna for a
X-band transmitter-receiver system, involved in the Deep
Space Antenna system (ESA). |
Funding: |
ESA y Callisto
Starting date: |
3-august-2015 |
Deadline date: |
31-december-2018 |
Title: |
Ka Band Cryocooled Feed |
Principal Investigator: |
Eduardo Artal Latorre |
Researchers: |
Ángel Mediavilla, Luisa Mª de la Fuente, Antonio Tazón, Juan Luis Cano, Beatriz Aja, Enrique Villa, David Vegas |
Description: |
Cryogenic Ka-band front-end for the Deep Space Antenna System (ESA) in order to improve the ground-based receiver sensitivity and transmission rate. |
Funding: |
ESA y Callisto
Starting date: |
16-march-2015 |
Deadline date: |
15-march-2018 |
Title: |
Receptores interferométricos de radioastronomía de 10 a 20 GHz |
Principal Investigator: |
Eduardo Artal Latorre y Luisa Mª de la Fuente |
Researchers: |
Beatriz Aja, Juan Luis Cano, Enrique Villa, J. Vicente Terán |
Description: |
Design and development of polarimetric receivers in the 10-to-20 GHz band to measure the polarization of the CMB signal. |
Funding: |
MINECO (ESP2015-70646-C2-2-R) y FEDER - Unión Europea
Starting date: |
01-january-2016 |
Deadline date: |
30-june-2018 |
Title: |
Soluciones hardware de potencia y radiofrecuencia para sistemas de comunicaciones sostenibles de próxima generación y aplicaciones derivadas |
Principal Investigator: |
José Ángel García |
Researchers: |
Alicia Casanueva, Tomás Fernández, Ángel Mediavilla, Juan Pablo Pascual, Nieves Ruiz, Antonio Tazón, José Mª Zamanillo, David Vegas |
Description: |
The project involves the development of new solutions for RF and high power hardware of wireless transmitters. Then, the design of wideband lowloss passive structures and power amplifiers, as well as the non-linear modelling of high power transistors are involved.. |
Funding: |
MINECO (TEC2014-58341-C4-1-R)
Starting date: |
01-january-2015 |
Deadline date: |
30-september-2018 |
Title: |
Estudio y desarrollo de tecnologías para sistemas de telecomunicación a frecuencias milimétricas y de terahercios con aplicación a sistemas de imaging en la banda 90 GHz – 100 GHz |
Principal Investigator: |
Juan Pablo Pascual |
Researchers: |
Jéssica Gutiérrez |
Description: |
Development of a PhD thesis in order to encourage the technology transfer and experience from the university to private companies (in particular Erzia Technologies). W-band design are involved. |
Funding: |
Universidad de Cantabria
Starting date: |
15-july-2015 |
Deadline date: |
14-july-2018 |
- "Asistencia Técnica al proyecto LNA Banda Q-Versión II",
Tecnologías de Telecomunicaciones e Información (TTI Norte) (2017).
- "Receptores de radioastronomía con guías integradas en substrato",
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) (2014-2017).
- "EPI: Explorando la Física de Inflación",
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) (2011-2017).
- "LNA Banda Q",
Tecnologías de Telecomunicaciones e Información (TTI Norte) (2015).
- "Receptores de radioastronomía en ondas milimétricas",
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (2013-2016).
- "Receptores del experimento QUIJOTE",
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (2011-2013).
- "Amplificadores de muy bajo ruido de microondas para radioastronomía",
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (2010-2012).
- "Desarrollo de la tecnología de dispositivos aplicables a la fabricación de amplificadores de microondas de muy bajo ruido",
Instituto Geográfico Nacional (CENIG) (2008-2012).
- "Infraestructura en Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones para Entornos Rurales y Urbanos con Geografía Fuertemente Accidentada",
PCI Hispano Cubana A2/036252/11 con la Universidad de Oriente, el Instituto Superior politécnico José A. Echevarría de La Habana (Cuba) y Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
- "Laboratorio de Comunicaciones RF-Microondas para aplicaciones móviles",
PCI Hispano Cubana D/031365/10 con el Instituto Superior politécnico José A. Echevarría de La Habana (Cuba)
- "Radiómetros a 30 GHz para el instrumento de polarización",
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (2007-2011).
- "Laboratorio de Comunicaciones RF-Microondas para aplicaciones móviles",
PCI Hispano Cubana 0/024003/09 con el Instituto Superior politécnico José A. Echevarría de La Habana (Cuba)